A recent NBC News article warns that utilities are “pushing in several states to scale back what they call unfair rate advantages that solar users have long received.” Concerned about the money lost from their bottom line as they are forced to credit customers for the excess energy they generate, utilities are looking to take […]
It’s no surprise that the federal government owns quite a bit of land, especially in the western and midwest portions of the nation.
Running a hospitality destination results in the consumption of a large amount of energy. According to energy provider National Grid, large hotel in the United States (those that are larger than 8,000 square feet) spend about $1.05 on electricity per square foot each year and $0.25 on natural gas. In an average hotel, lighting, space heating and water heating represent about 60 percent of total energy use.
The Jefferson County Board of Supervisors’ Infrastructure and Highway committees are still working on creating a plan for the county’s new highway facility.
If individuals who have been contemplating constructing their own home, then it is probable that they have picked up on the fact that green design is all the rage nowadays.
The Silver State is making impressive moves toward geothermal energy. Alternative Energy Magazine reported that Nevada is poised to lead in geothermal energy production in the nation. So far, California has led the pack in the geothermal industry. However, Nevada is experiencing a rush of developers as experienced energy producers and newer players enter the game.
Some individuals may have already planned out their sustainable construction project to a T, anxiously awaiting the day that they can embark on these reliable building endeavors.