It seems the average property owner in America is becoming increasingly interested in saving a bit of money and investing in smart building solutions.
Running a hospitality destination results in the consumption of a large amount of energy. According to energy provider National Grid, large hotel in the United States (those that are larger than 8,000 square feet) spend about $1.05 on electricity per square foot each year and $0.25 on natural gas. In an average hotel, lighting, space heating and water heating represent about 60 percent of total energy use.
A new construction site promises to bring new business to Greenwich, Connecticut. JCS Construction Group, Inc. is in the middle of drilling 12 geothermal wells, approximately 500 feet deep, to help keep a new building at a comfortable temperature – all with a more affordable price.
Officials in Hubbard County, Minnesota, are debating on how to regulate the use of residential geothermal heating and cooling systems.
The Jefferson County Board of Supervisors’ Infrastructure and Highway committees are still working on creating a plan for the county’s new highway facility.
For some, a fire might be the end of the road for a journey, but for others, it’s an opportunity to rebuild. Isanti County News reported that the Isanti County Historical Society Heritage Center, located in Cambridge, Minnesota, will soon reopen its doors after being closed for two years.
The old saying used to be “Keeping up with the Joneses,” with the changing culture it’s probably more appropriate to say “Keeping up with the Kardashians.” That doesn’t always have to mean purchasing the latest in trendy styles or being featured on your own reality television show